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Una navetta cargo giapponese senza pilota si dirige verso la Stazione Spaziale Internazionale (ISS) questa settimana e sta portando un insolito carico. Oltre alle forniture regolari, il veicolo contiene alcuni piccoli satelliti che, una volta lanciati, scriveranno messaggi Morse visibili nel cielo notturno!!

Uno dei mini-satelliti, detti cubesats, ha il compito di aiutare i ricercatori a sperimentare tecniche di comunicazione ottica sui satelliti. Il cubesat userà teconlogia a led per brillare come una stella artificiale e, infine, lampeggiare in codice Morse.

Il cubesat è noto come FITSAT-1 ed è stato sviluppato dalla giapponese Fukuoka Institute of Technology (FIT). Pesa poco meno di tre chili e porta un faro a led da 200 watt LED che si accende in codice Morse.

Il Project leader Takushi Tanaka, un professore di informatica e ingegneria, discute uno degli elementi più interessanti del progetto sul sito-1 FITSAT: "Questi lampeggi codice Morse, ci auguriamo, saranno osservabili a occhio nudo o con un binocolo di piccole dimensioni", dice Tanaka.

Si prevede che il FITSAT-1 verrà lanciato dalla ISS il 6 settembre, dall'astronauta giapponese Akihiko Hoshide, utilizzando il braccio robotico del modulo Kibo. Le luci lampeggianti e segnali del codice Morse dalla FITSAT-1 saranno ricevuti dal telescopio FIT.

Visite: 16

Inviato da il in News
 Interessante attività radio tra Ariss e Scuole 
Il 31 Agosto alle ore 11:23 UTC si potra' ascoltare il passaggio della iss e la risposta del astronauta  sintonizzando la radio
145.800 in fm  .

ARISS contact planned with school in Germany

Friday August 31, 2012 at 11.23 UTC, which is 13.23 CEST, an ARISS contact is planned
 with Megina Gymnasium Mayen, Germany 

This will be a direct  radio contact operated by DN1PU.

Downlink signals from the International Space Station will be audible 
over Europe on 145.800 MHz FM.

The Megina-Gymnasium Mayen has made arrangements to contact the ISS 
in cooperation with three other schools
 (Albert-Schweitzer Realschule, Kurfürst-Balduin-Gymnasium Münstermaifeld,
 Max-von-Laue Gymnasium Koblenz) all located in Rhineland-Palatinate, 
a rural part in the West of Germany. In the previous weeks, 
a lot of students have handed in questions, which they would like to have answered
 by the astronauts onboard the ISS. They will put the questions in turns, so that each
 school can ask the same number of questions. To simplify the procedure, the participating 
students will come to Megina-Gymnasium and the questions will be transmitted to the space 
station from Mayen.

The event will be broadcast live video in all three schools and all students will thus participate.
 At Megina-Gymnasium, the broadcast will be part of a school project day about space
 exploration and science.

Students will ask as many of following questions as time allows.

1. Tobias: What is the best part of being an astronaut?
2. Sophie: How does your typical day look like, do you have any rituals?
3. Celina: Do you have free time and how do you spend it?
4. Evita: Do you feel time, when there isn't night and day?
5. Kira: What kind of food do you miss most?
6. Anna Lena: Can you imagine that a person without "NASA-training" can live on the 
7. Sebastian: What is the most difficult thing to get used to in microgravity and for what reason?
8. Paul: Which experiments are currently being conducted by the crew?
9. Martina: Is there a special sleeping-room?
10. Lisa: How long can you stay outside the ISS doing repair works?
11. Nele: What does it feel like to be in outer space?
12: Susanna: Is there any difference between observing comets or falling stars from the ISS 
     or from the earth's surface?
13. Tobias: Is it possible to observe really strong thunderstorms from the ISS?

ARISS is an international educational outreach program partnering the participating 
space agencies, NASA, Russian Space Agency, ESA, CNES, JAXA, and CSA, 
with the AMSAT and IARU organizations from participating countries.

ARISS offers an opportunity for students to experience the excitement of Amateur Radio by 
talking directly with crewmembers onboard the International Space Station. 
Teachers, parents and communities see, first hand, how Amateur Radio and crewmembers
 on ISS can energize youngsters' interest in science, technology and learning.

73, Gaston Bertels, ON4WF
ARISS Chairman 
Visite: 9

Inviato da il in News


In occasione 50 ° anniversario dell’indipendenza algerina avremo on air diverse stazioni con call speciale e, in particolare, per la prima volta opereranno stazioni algerine con il  prefisso 7T.

L’ ARA (Associazione Radioamatori Algerini) organizza un award. Per ottenerlo il diploma sarà  necessario un totale di 50 punti.

Un obiettivo è quello di informare il mondo di quel particolare evento. Sul sito dell’ARA, il PresidenteAfif BENLAGHA, 7X2RO, esorta i radioamatori locali ad essere presenti On-Air.

Può essere una buona occasione per mettere a LOG qualche prefisso nuovo per il WPX…


Possono partecipare tutti gli OM ed SWL in tutti i modi ed in tutte le bande HF consentite.

Date e orari: Dal 05 luglio 2012 alle 12:00 UTC al 31 dicembre 2012 alle 12:00 UTC.

Contatti validi: La stessa stazione può essere contattata una volta per banda.

Punti: Stazione (RC Algeri) 7T50I = 10 punti.

-Radio Station Club da Est e Sud-Est zona (RC Bou-Saada) 7W50I = 05 punti.

-Radio Station Club dalla zona sud (RC Laghouat) 7V50I e 7U50I = 05 punti.

-Radio Station Club da Ovest e Sud Ovest zona (RC Mostaganem) 7Y50I = 05 punti.

-Altre stazioni 7X: 03 punti.

Quota di partecipazione: Il costo del diploma è di 10 dollari USA o 05 euro. (Costi di stampa e consegna)

Per ottenere il diploma occorrono 50 punti.

Visite: 12

Inviato da il in News

The NEW FT DX 3000 Transceiver is the latest addition to the Yaesu family of fine Amateur Radios, incorporating the newest down conversion and sharp edged crystal roofing filter technology. These features provide outstanding receiver performance which is a heritage of the FT-DX5000. Our new transceiver also incorporates many other new features in a compact housing.


Visite: 8

Icom Inc. have shown a prototype of a new dual band D-STAR handheld radio at the Tokyo Ham Fair 2012 which is being held between August 25th and 26th 2012 in Tokyo.

The ID-51A/E series D-STAR handheld radio is an evolution of Icom’s ID-31A/E UHF D-STAR Handheld and will be capable of both VV / UU 144MHz + 430MHz dual band operation. The ID-51A/E will also include the much praised menu-driven user interface of the ID-31A/E series with a much bigger LCD screen. The ID-51A/E will also feature integrated GPS & D-STAR as well as IPx7 waterproofing, SD-Card slot and slim body found on the ID-31A/E.

Other planned features include

• VV / UU capable 144MHz and 430MHz dual band (Only one DV signal can be received, similar to the manner as the IC-2820H/E2820 series).
• Limited wideband receive for AM/FM broadcast (no bar antenna), 118-137MHz (AM air band), 137- 174MHz and 380-479MHz
• Larger full dot matrix LCD
• Broadcast mode LCD indication (rather than VFO only, station name can be shown)
• Enhanced logging function. The ID-51A/E records frequencies, time, position and other operation related information on the SD Card.
• Improved automatic response function. The radio may be programmed to have an automated response self call sign for unique reply in addition to regular call sign
• Voice recorder function (not the communication logging function but a simple digital voice recorder function which records your voice).
• One touch voice play back function for contest transmissions
• Frequency and mode of operation speech and specific frequency beep function helps blind hams for easier operation.
• Enhanced RX call sign memory records up to 50 past received call signs, which can be exported to micro SD card.
• Increased memory channel for repeater list (750)/ GPS memory (200).
• Approx 10mm taller and 1mm thicker than the ID-31A/E (weight TBA) • 5 Watts output (tx)

Further details about its features and options have been made available on a Pre-release product information sheet on the side of this page.

Visite: 10

Icom Inc. have shown a new sample of a revolutionary HF/VHF/UHF Amateur Radio Mobile Transceiver with touch screen control called the IC-7100 at the Tokyo Ham Fair 2012.

The IC-7100 is a HF+6m+VHF+UHF all mode compact radio with an innovative slanted touch-screen LCD controller. A first for an Icom transceiver, the IC-7100 is designed to the 70MHz band in European versions where 70MHz is open to Amateur radio enthusiasts. To maintain its commitment to D-STAR, all versions of the IC-7100 will come with standard D-STAR DV mode.


Since the launch of the original IC-706 in 1995, Icom has been leading the market of HF/VHF/UHF multi-band mobile radios. The popularity of vehicular mounted amateur radios may not be as high as the times of the IC-706 series, but the IC-7100 has been carefully designed to reignite Amateurs’ interest in mobile communications and brings digital communication opportunity to a wider range of radio Amateurs.

Planned Features include
• Slanted front separated controller with large touch screen dot matrix LCD (controller cannot be attached to body front)
• Speaker is self contained inside the controller
• Full mode (SSB, CW, AM, FM, RTTY decode) and D-STAR DV
• HF (100W) / 50MHz (100W) / 70MHz (50W) / 144MHz (50W) / 430MHz (35W) (Note: Power may be different according to version. The 70MHz band is available for some versions only)
• Lower current consumption / cooler operation (compared with the IC-7000)
• SWR meter function also works for VHF and UHF bands
• Remote power on / off
• IF DSP for filtering / interference removal / noise reduction
• SD memory card slot, voice recording
• USB Audio In / Out, remote control
• +/- 0.5ppm frequency stability
• 505ch memory channels

Further details about its features and options have been made available on a Pre-release product information sheet. The IC-7100 Pre-release information can be downloaded on this page.

Visite: 10
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  • IZ3YPS
    IZ3YPS dice #
    piu di mille euro penso
  • IW9HFF
    IW9HFF dice #
    HF+6m+VHF+UHF ottima radio ma il prezzo ?
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